Anger: The Bible says, “The Nose Knows”

Did you know that the word “nose” is a common way of expressing anger in the Old Testament? The psalmist speaks of the Lord’s anger by saying, “Smoke went up from His nostrils (Ps. 18:8–NKJV). In Ezekiel 38:18 when Gog comes against the land of Israel, the Lord says, “my anger will rise up in my nose” (translation by E. Johnson, TDOT, vol.1, p. 351). In Hebrew thought, there is a connection between the nose and anger.
Elkanah’s Gift Reveals Hannah’s Anger
This observation can help us understand a phrase that has frequently puzzled Bible commentators. In 1 Samuel 1:5 Elkanah is said to give Hannah “a portion for the nostrils.” Our translations usually read something like “a double portion” (NKJV, NIV), indicating that Elkanah is giving Hannah an extra portion of the sacrificial meat. However, the context makes clear that Hannah is very upset because Peninnah (the other woman!) provokes Hannah about her barrenness (1 Sam. 1:6). Elkanah’s “portion for the nostrils” is to calm Hannah down and turn her frown into a happy face. However, an ongoing problem like Hannah’s needs more than a superficial solution. It is only when Hannah turns her problem completely over to the Lord, that “her face [becomes] no longer sad (1 Sam. 1:18).
The same is true for us. Superficial human solutions never resolve deep needs. Only the Lord can provide the permanent cure. By the way, another expression used of the Lord is that He is “long of nose” (e.g., Exod. 34:6). In English this is translated as “longsuffering” or “slow to anger.” When your nose gets “short” or “out of joint” seek the Lord for a solution because He is “long of nose!”
For a deeper discussion of this issue and the lives of Elkanah and Hannah, check out my book––Family Portraits: Character Studies in 1 and 2 Samuel.