Beyond Reading the Bible: A New Podcast
I am excited to announce that my colleague Lindsay Kennedy of and myself have embarked on a new adventure. We have created a podcast entitled Beyond Reading the Bible. The podcast is designed to help people go deeper in their study of the Bible. Many can sympathize with the experience of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-39). As the eunuch was travelling back home he was reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit directed Philip to join himself to the chariot. As he read, Philip asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The eunuch’s response was classic: “How can I, unless someone guides me?” We all need to read our Bibles more, but there are times when we become frustrated as we read. We may think to ourselves, “I have no clue what is going on here, ” or “What does that expression or word mean?”
As teachers at Calvary Chapel Bible College York, Lindsay and I both have a desire to see people, not only grow in their understanding of the Word, but also grow in their understanding of how to approach the Bible in order to better grasp its message. A number of good podcasts teach the Bible, we will do some of that as well. But one of our primary goals is to help equip others with Bible study tools, and methods that will help them grow and develop good Bible study habits. While we might all agree that we need to read our Bibles more, our goal is to help others go “beyond reading the Bible,” so that understanding accompanies one’s engagement with the Word.
What Can I Expect to Hear on Beyond Reading the Bible?
Our first two episodes are already up and running. The first episode is entitled “The Big Picture.” After introducing ourselves and our desires and goals for the podcast, we begin by discussing the importance of getting the big picture of the Bible, or any book of the Bible, and present two examples of how to go about that. Our second episode is entitled, “Study Tools.” Lindsay and I thought it important to follow up episode one with some suggestions on important study tools that can help people in their understanding of Scripture. Of course we are both book worms and could have talked endlessly on this subject! However, we held it to a reasonable 30 minutes. 🙂 Episodes to follow will include a variety of topics such as literary approaches to the Bible including such things as the importance of knowing genre. We will also discuss the culture of the biblical world and demonstrate how knowing key concepts can transform your understanding of certain passages and ideas in the Bible. For example, in one podcast we will talk about patronage in the 1st century world and learn how that contributes to a fuller understanding of the biblical concept of “grace.” We will also do overviews of biblical books in order to get “the big picture,” and we will discuss how we go about doing that.
How Do I Begin Listening to Beyond Reading the Bible?
To answer that question, I’ve swiped a paragraph from Lindsay’s blog, as he explains it well. Take it away Lindsay–“The podcast can be found on the iTunes Podcast store or by searching for “Beyond Reading the Bible” from the Podcast app on one’s iPhone/iPad. Alternatively, episodes can be listened to from the Beyond Reading the Bible website.” Thanks Lindsay! I also want to extend a word of thanks to Lindsay, who is the technological brain behind this effort, as well as the one who birthed the whole idea for this project. In conclusion, let me note that our Beyond the Bible website will also include resources, and links to posts on our individual blogs that relate to the topic we’re discussing. And of course, there is space for making comments or asking questions. We hope you’ll give Beyond Reading the Bible a try and come back for future episodes.
Hi Randy and Mike!! Very nice to hear your voice Randy! One of the best Bible study tools I have ever used is simply an English dictionary!! I find that with my students many of them need to be reminded what some of the actual words mean. When the meaning is plain, then the passage begins to make more sense. I now teach from the KJV but used to teach from the NKJV and in either one of these some of the words are archaic and some of them are common but not used much in our modern conversations anymore. Such as the words: gluttonous, hearken, riotous, transgress, winebibbers, etc. Once the words are understandable, then the passage becomes more understandable. Love what you are doing here. Thanks and blessings to you both and Gloria! — Marcia
Hi Marica,
Thank you for your very kind comments about our new podcast. I didn’t realize that you also had a blog! I enjoyed looking it over and think it is wonderful that you are sharing the insights that the Lord gives you. As you mention, understanding the words of the text is so important. As someone once pointed out, “The Word of God is made up of the “words of God.” We should not take for granted that what we think a word means, and what the biblical author may mean by that word are one and the same thing. Modern dictionaries are good for giving us the meaning of the English word. This is especially important if you are reading from the KJV, since so many words are either archaic, or have changed their meaning, as you pointed out. If the word has been carefully chosen by the translators, then hopefully the original meaning will be clear. I would add that it is always a good idea to find out what the original Greek or Hebrew might mean, since the English may at times carry a different sense. A person doesn’t have to be a “scholar” to check out the meaning. Using Strong’s Concordance with its excellent numbering system, or using something like the Blue Letter Bible, or checking a commentary, are all good ways of making sure we understand the original meaning. Thank you for your comments Marcia. Keep blogging for the Lord, and God bless you!